• +62 812-8714-8424
  • embrio@apps.ipb.ac.id
  • Bogor, Indonesia


Established in 2013, EMBRIO is a think tank unit mainstreaming marine biodiversity under the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University). A number of activities have been carried out in order to strengthen the function of the program.

EMBRIO International Symposium (EIS) is a biennial flagship event conducted every odd year to disseminate results of multidisciplinary scientific research and promotes innovative solutions for the sustainability of Indonesia marine biodiversity. At the same time, EIS serves as institutional platform to strengthen IPB strategic networks with national and international partners for cross-sectoral programs, while boosting academic outreach through collaboration, presentation of ideas and research findings, also publications at reputable journals and proceedings. EIS first was held in 2013, then 2015, and 2017 by producing an international cooperation agreement either through research or education, which does not only involve FPIK IPB but also other institutions such as the Coastal and Marine Resource Study Center (PKSPL), IPB International Collaboration Office (ICO), and international partners (from Germany and New Zealand) with the establishment of a Tri-National on-Site Field Convention (TrOFiCo) team, as well as national partners, UI, UNDIP, UGM, UNAIR, UMRAH, and other universities and proceeding

Other routine activities carried out biennially, in even year is EMBRIO International Workshop. The 1st International Mini Workshop was held in 2014. The 2nd International Mini Workshop Consortium was held in 2016. The 2018 EMBRIO workshop was held under the theme “the 3rd EMBRIO International Workshop (3rd EIW) on Marine Biodiversity: Understanding, Utilization, and Conservation”, with 84 articles published in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science indexed by SCOPUS. This activity supports the planned development of IPB towards World Class University (WCU) and increases the number of IPB scientific publications as well as the number of citation indexes of staff of IPB lecturers and researchers.

EMBRIO has carried out an International Summer School Field Course twice, in 2017 and 2018. The initiation activities starting in 2018 are the EMBRIO Talk Series (ETS) which is held every two semesters, the EMBRIO Coaching Clinic (ECC) which is an activity to assist in preparing to submit to international journals with instructor, PD. Dr. Sonja Kleinertz (DAAD long-term lecturer FPIK-IPB). In 2018-2019 EMBRIO also received INSINAS competitive research funding support with corporate partnerships, with the topic of research is integrated tuna fisheries.

In 2019 the 4th EMBRIO International Symposium will be held not only by the IPB EMBRIO team but assisted by EMBRIO National & International Networks consisting of various researchers and institutions from all parts of the EMBRIO network. This year’s EAFTA (East Asia Fisheries Technologists Association) will be held at the 4th EMBRIO International Symposium.

The 7th EAFTA is an annual routine event for the field of fisheries post-harvest. In 2018, EAFTA has been held in China. This year IPB will host the event, it is expected that EAFTA member countries can attend such as from Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and several other countries.